2nd Malta-Sicily Cable Link
The project consists of a new approx. 122km long 225MW HVAC electrical cable interconnection through a submarine cable operating at 220kV between Malta (Maghtab) and Sicily (Ragusa) to be laid in parallel but at a safe distance to the existing HVAC cable link which was commissioned in 2015.
The project is part of Maltese Government’s future energy strategy in meeting the 2030 climate and energy targets and the longer-term decarbonisation objectives. It aims at diversifying the island’s energy sources and meet the projected increase in electricity demand from economic growth and electrification of the transport sector.
The 2nd cable link will also strengthen the electricity interconnectivity with the EU electricity network, allow for increased importation of electricity sourced from renewables, optimise the use of local power generation, whilst allowing the increase in local renewable energy sources through the enhancement of the grid stability and balancing of intermittent RES.
In June 2024, the project was successfully approved for funding under the 2021-2027 ERDF/CF/JTF Programme, specifically under Priority 2 ‘Promoting clean and fair energy transition, sustainable wastewater management, and green investment’, Specific Objective 2.3 ‘Developing smart energy systems, grids, and storage outside the TEN-E network’. This project has been designated as an ‘Operation of Strategic Importance’ due to its significant contribution to the achievement of national priorities for the 2021-2027 Programme. The ERDF funding allocated to this project amounts to €165,347,846.70.
Main Technical Parameters
50 Hz – HVAC cable
Approx. Route length
118 km
Nominal Voltage
Maltese Permitting Procedure:
The Project Description Statement for the scope of the Maltese EIA screening was submitted to the Environment and Resources Authority in September 2021.
A Screening Decision was issued by the Authority in November 2021 where it was confirmed that the proposed development falls under Schedule I, Category II, Section as well as Regulation 10 (3) of the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations (S.L. 549.46).
The relevant documents can be accessed at this link.
Italian Permitting Procedure:
Meetings with Italian authorities have already been held in August 2021 during which a way forward was discussed. Similar to the Maltese section, it was confirmed that an Environmental impact assessment in line with the Decreto Legislativo 152/2006 is also required for the Italian Section of the Project.
The second electrical interconnector project shall consist of an underwater and onshore cable link between the Maghtab terminal Station and the Ragusa 220kV substation in Sicily.
The second electrical interconnector project shall consist of an underwater and onshore cable link between the Maghtab terminal Station and the Ragusa 220kV substation in Sicily.
Similar to the first electrical interconnector, it shall have a nominal rating capacity of 225MW, and can operate in a bi-directional mode, generally importing electricity from Sicily, but being technically able to transmit electricity from Malta to Sicily should excess electricity produced in Malta be available in the future.
The terminal points of the project shall be the 220kV substation at Contrada Cimillà in Ragusa operated by Terna and the Maghtab terminal station at l-Għallis operated by Enemalta p.l.c.
The cable landing point in Malta shall be at l-Għallis while the landing point in Sicily shall be sited at Marina di Ragusa. Trenchless shore approaches shall be adopted in both countries to minimise the environmental and visual impacts on the shore at the proposed landing areas.
The cable will be buried along the onshore route with no overhead lines.
Commercial & Regulatory
objectives.Project Benefits
- To increase the electricity interconnectivity with the European electricity network for meeting the forecasted increase in the island’s electricity demand as a result of economic growth and the electrification of road transport.
- To cater for contingency/emergency situations such as temporary damage to the existing cable link.
- Contribute to Malta’s future strategy in reaching its 2030 climate and energy targets, and in the longer term, the 2050 decarbonisation objectives.
- Optimisation of local power generation
- Improve the security of energy supply by diversifying of energy sources.
- Enabler of an increase in locally generated electricity from renewables by supplying a buffer to counterbalance for RES intermittency.
A cabinet decision was taken by the Maltese Government to proceed with the construction of a second Interconnection cable between Malta and Italy and delegate this task to InterConnect Malta
ICM completed a preliminary route identification report taking in consideration alternate possible routes starting from Malta up to Ragusa
ICM started communication with both Maltese and Italian Authorities to discuss on the permitting required for this project. A project description statement was provided to the ERA
February - April
A call for tenders was issued in order to engage a contractor to carry out a preliminary marine route survey (PMRS) of the offshore route for this second interconnector project
A call for tenders was issued in order to engage a contractor to carry out the Front End Engineering Design (FEED) for this critical Maltese infrastructure project
A connection request was launched with Terna S.p.A. They are the transmission system operators in Italy with whom this cable will be connecting
An application was submitted with the Planning Authority in Malta
June - July
The Environmental and Resources Authority carried out a public consultation on the project
Two call for tenders were issued in order to engage contracts to conduct the Environmental Impact Assessment in Malta and Sicily
Following award of PMRS tender to Fugro Italy S.p.A., the surveying activities were kicked-off
The FEED tender was awarded to a Joint Venture between CESI S.p.A and Techfem S.p.A and project teams met to start working on the design of the cable
Both EIA tenders were awarded. The Italian EIA was awarded to HPC ITALIA S.r.l. whilst the Maltese EIA was awarded to AIS Environment Ltd.
Completed PMRS Field Activities
Finalized all EIA Chapters and Submitted EIA documentation covering the Maltese side to the ERA
Finalized EIA documentation covering the Italian side
Completion of the Front-End Engineering Design
Submitted all the necessary documentation for the application to the Single Permitting Decree (Autorizzazione Unica) to the MASE (Ministry of Environment and Energy Security) covering the Italian side
The Planning Authority in Malta validated the application and formally inititated the statutory period
Completion of Public Consultation on the Maltese permit application
Issued the first EPC tender (CT3032/2023 - Supplies Tender for the Design, Supply and Installation of 245kV 1x350MVA Auto-Transformer, 1x120MVAR and 1x240MVAR Variable Shunt Reactors for the Sec. Elec. Malta-Sicily Interconnector
MASE commenced the formal statutory authorisation process in Italy
Planning Authority unanimously approved the Development Permit for the Maltese portion of the project
Issued the tender (ICM/TD 107/23) for the Excavation and Construction of a walkthrough culvert within the Maghtab terminal station using environmentally friendly products and materials
Issued the tender (CT3003/2024) for the Manufacture and Installation of the Onshore 245kV and 145kV Cables, FO Cable and Accessories for the 2nd MT-IT Electrical Interconnector in an Env. Friendly Manner
Re-Issued the tender (CT3004/2024) for the design, supply and installation of 245kV 1x250MVA Auto-Transformer, 1x120MVAr and 1x240MVAr variable shunt reactors
Issued the tender (ICM/TD 46/24) for the project supervisor during design stage, and construction stage and related Health & Safety Services
Issued the tender (CT3008/2024) for the manufacture and installation of the submarine 245kV cable with embedded FO cable and accessories
Issued the tender (CT3017/2024) for the supply and installation of 220kV switchgear, fire suppresion system, construction of fire walls and the upgrade of control system
The Sicilian Region issues the Intesa Finale
Autorizzazione Unica (Italy's Development Permit) issued by the Italian Competent Authority
Completed Works in relation to ICM/TD 107/23 for the Excavation and Construction of a walkthrough culvert within the Maghtab terminal station
Issued the tender (CT3031/2024) for the supply and installation of a 132kV variable shunt reactor at Maghtab Terminal Station
Issued the tender (CT3032/2024) for the undertaking of owner's engineer activities for the subsea interconnector cable link Malta - Italy
Issued the tender (ICM/TD 4/25) for the provision of insurance advisory services to Interconnect Malta in relation to the Second Malta-Sicily Cable Interconnector and Utility-Scale Battery Energy Storage Facilities